Sports & CCAs
Band room
We have a band room and a band store. In P2, PAL will include percussion. Pupils will learn to play percussion instruments. Through percussion, pupils will learn rhythm and make music with others. Band is one of the CCAs offered for P3. The band will practise in this big soundproof room.
This sheltered area can be used for PE lessons as well as a play area for pupils. Lines are drawn for basketball and the hoops are lowered for our primary school pupils.
Dance Studio
This is a dance studio. It is air-conditioned, soundproof and has mirrors for pupils to check their movement and alighnment during practice sessions. We have dance as a CCA at P3.
Through dance, pupils learn movement and rhythm, how to carry themselves with poise and confidence and how to pace themselves with others to produce a well-choreographed piece.
Health & Fitness Room
This can be used as a sheltered place for PE lessons if necessary. Presently we have enough space and therefore should not need to use this room. We keep our PE equipment such as balls and trolleys here in the meantime.In time to come, the equipment will be shifted to the PE storeroom at the Indoor Sports Hall. Other activities may be held here for the pupils’ benefit.
This Indoor Sports Hall can be used for PE lessons, basketball, and badminton. It has a high ceiling for ball games. The vents situated at various positions ensure that the hall is well ventilated.
Sports Field
This is a synthetic field where the pupils have their PE lessons. It is also used for soccer. The field enjoys cool breeze throughout the day as it is not blocked by buildings.